Marvel debuted the teaser trailer for the upcoming film, “The Eternals.” The movie marks the latest installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the first movie in the franchise since “Spider-Man: Far From Home” dropped in 2019. “Eternals” is the first major Hollywood film from Academy Award-winner Chloé Zhao, whose film “Nomadland” won both best picture …
Monthly Archives: May 2021
Marvel drops the first trailer for upcoming film “Eternals”starring Angelina Jolie and Salma Hayek
Marvel debuted the teaser trailer for the upcoming film, “The Eternals.” The movie marks the latest installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the first movie in the franchise since “Spider-Man: Far From Home” dropped in 2019. “Eternals” is the first major Hollywood film from Academy Award-winner Chloé Zhao, whose film “Nomadland” won both best picture …
Timothee Chalamet to portray young Willy Wonka in prequel film ‘Wonka’
Timothee Chalamet has been tapped to portray a young Willy Wonka in an upcoming prequel film from Warner Bros. titled Wonka. The musical will explore the fictional candy maker from Roald Dahl’s book before he opens up his signature chocolate factory. Gene Wilder portrayed Willy Wonka in 1971’s Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and then Johnny Depp then portrayed the character …
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Timothee Chalamet to portray young Willy Wonka in prequel film ‘Wonka’
Timothee Chalamet has been tapped to portray a young Willy Wonka in an upcoming prequel film from Warner Bros. titled Wonka. The musical will explore the fictional candy maker from Roald Dahl’s book before he opens up his signature chocolate factory. Gene Wilder portrayed Willy Wonka in 1971’s Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and then Johnny Depp then portrayed the character …
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Billboard Music Awards: See The Full List Of Winners
The 2021 Billboard Music Awards were held on Sunday from the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, hosted by Nick Jonas. The Weeknd was the big winner of the evening, taking home the night’s biggest prize, Top Artist. The late Pop Smoke won Top Billboard 200 album for his project Shoot for the Stars, Aim for the …
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Two people dead, 12 injured in New Jersey home shooting
2 people were killed and 12 others injured in a shooting at a mansion’s house party with more than 100 people in New Jersey late on Saturday. No arrests have been made and the motive remains under investigation, the New York State Police said in a news release Sunday morning. The agency said personnel responded …
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CDC to investigate cases of heart inflammation among young people who received Covid-19 vaccine
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced they are investigating reports of heart issues in young patients who have received a Covid-19 vaccine. According to the CDC, there have been “relatively few” cases of young people developing heart symptoms following their inoculations, but the CDC is requesting that “information about this potential adverse event” be provided …
“Spiral: From the Book of Saw” tops North American box office for 2nd weekend in a row
“Spiral: From the Book of Saw,” the ninth and latest film in the Saw series, was once again No. 1 at the weekend box office with an estimated 4.55 million in earning during its second weekend of release. The Lionsgate’s R-rated film has grossed 15.82 million dollars in North America in 10 days after its …
Israel and Hamas agree to cease-fire, ending their 11-day war
Israel and Hamas agreed to a cease-fire Thursday, putting a halt on their 11-day war that caused widespread destruction in the Gaza Strip and left more than 200 people dead. Just as the cease-fire took effect at 2 a.m. local time, life returned to the streets of Gaza with people leaving their homes and celebrating …
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Israel, Hamas agree to cease-fire to end 11-day war
Israel and Hamas agreed to a cease-fire Thursday, halting a bruising 11-day war that caused widespread destruction in the Gaza Strip, brought life in much of Israel to a standstill and left more than 200 people dead. At 2 a.m. local time, just as the cease-fire took effect, frenzy life returned to the streets of …
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